For the Love of Software

Set a Style in Word and have it Stay that Way for Other Documents

Select the text you want to make into a specific style

Click on the style you want to apply.  For this example, I will use the Heading 1 style.

Now, go up to the words Heading 1 in the Style group on the Home Ribbon and RIGHT CLICK on it and select Modify
In the Modify window you will:
  1. Change the text to look the way you always want it to look when you click on Heading 1
  2. Click on the option at the bottom that says "New documents based on this template"
  3. Click on OK
Now, every time you click on Heading 1 the text will look the way you modified it.  In this case, it will be Calibri, 16 pt, Bold, Underlined, Black text.

(If you want to find more options you can click on the format button and change other options before you click on New documents based on this template to save all changes.)

Have Fun and Do Something Good


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