
I am grateful...

  • for wrinkles
  • for days when my body has no pain
  • for two eyes that can still see
  • for two ears that can still hear
  • for joints that work
  • for two legs that can still take the stairs 2 at a time if I want to
  • for two arms and hands that can type on my blog
  • for safety in my car
  • for a little extra cash in the bank
  • for a job (both of our jobs)
  • for my hair
  • I can move my head with ease
  • I can dance
  • I don't live in the snow right now
  • I am not be in constant pain
  • that I can see with glasses, and sometimes without
  • that I can switch my mouse to the left side simply because my right hand is tired
  • I can still take the stairs 2 at a time
  • for family love
  • I don't have to hook up a horse and buggy to go visit the sisters in the Ward
  • A new Weston Heavenly Bed

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WORD: The Home Tab/Ribbon

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