Rough Out Boots--Monday Memories
One year, when my brother and I were both married and living in Utah, Digger began a campaign for new boots. He would say, "Boy I sure would like some rough out boots." And then in a few days, "I have always wanted a pair of rough out boots." And so on, for about 4 or 5 months before his birthday.
Digger was never one to ask for anything, so I'm sure in retrospect he was not hinting for us to buy them for him. Rather, he was talking himself into it.
If you don't know it, rough out boots are brown and they have a rough leather exterior like unfinished leather. Well, not that rough, but anyway, they are not smooth and shiny.
So, my brother and I went together on our struggling college budget and bought him a pair of brown rough out boots, just like his shiny black ones, only brown and rough out.
We all met at his house and had lunch, then he opened his present and put the brand new brown rough out boots on and said, "Boy, these are nice, they would be nicer if they were black and shiny."
My brother, boxed them up, went back to the store and got him a pair of black shiny boots. Have I told you--I loved Digger.
Calling All Private Blogs
My email address is grandberry at gmail dot com.
Oscar-What I Saw Wednesday
No, Tarzan is safe, he loves Oscar too...
Tarzan walked outside and turned back to tell me "Oscar's back."
I stepped outside and sure enough, there was Oscar just sitting by the house, like he does every spring and fall.
We always muse, "Why does Oscar come up here every spring and fall?"
I turned to go into the house and noticed something on the bottom of the door. I looked closely and saw a scorpion with a BODY THE SIZE OF A QUARTER.
(Insert ooos and yucks here)
I calmly said, "Tarzan, look at the bottom of the door."
Tarzan moved quickly, and manly when he saw it. He took a broom and swept the scorpion outside and then beat the living daylights out of it.
We then both -- at the same time -- (I love it when that happens) looked at Oscar and then back at the scorpion and said "oooooooooooh." (You have to say that starting low and then making your voice go up and then back down)
Tarzan took the broom and swept the now deceased scorpion over to Oscar and we went into the house.
5 minutes later dead scorpion gone...we love Oscar.
Cost Per Use-Tuesday Tip
It is called cost-per-use. You figure out how many times you will use the item and divide that into the cost if the item to figure your cost for a year--as an example...
I had to have a fancy delux vacuum that all the young girls in the ward were talking about. So, it cost me (because I got the really fancy one) about $500. I vacuum about 150 times a year. If I have the vacuum one year, it costs me $3 each time I use it. If I keep it for 5 years, it costs me 66¢, now that makes it a bargain.
However, here is a good one, you want a new blouse, it costs $50. You may wear it 10 times in a year, less if you have lots of cloths. At $5 a pop, that is an expensive blouse when you could go to a discount store like Ross and get a perfectly good blouse for maybe $10 and have that cost go down to $1 per use.
If the item is not something you "use" rather something you will just enjoy such as a picture on the wall, you can say cost-per-enjoyment. Now, that's my favorite, 'cause I can really enjoy something----a lot.
And finally, the cost per use on boxes or bottles of consumable products is something you should pay attention to. It used to be that bigger was cheaper. A larger box of cereal cost less per ounce than a smaller box of cereal, but not anymore. One example I have seen is a popular brand of shampoo at a cost like this:
15.0 ounce bottle 90¢ cost 06¢ per ounce
22.5 ounce bottle $1.47 cost 06.5¢ per ounce
Watch out for that, most price labels have the cost per unit on them, do some comparison and save yourself some money. That may not seem like a lot of money, but when you realize it is 8.9% more for the larger bottle, you might want to give it some serious thought. How would you feel if the store charged you 8.9% more for everything you bought. Yikes.
Septic Tank--Monday Memory
I have spent several years in the country, so maybe I'm a country gal. You be the judge...
Tarzan and I had company coming early Saturday morning. Friday night the septic tank backed up. Do city gals have septic tanks?
Anyway, several hours and a few dollars later, it was running again. Thanks you Shad you are the best.
This reminded me of another time and another septic tank in another place where this city gal lived in the country.
The places was Fruitland, New Mexico. We lived on a 2 acre farm with a septic tank. It needed to be replaced, so we hired someone to do it for us. They built it with cinder block and cement. It was all finished...a thing of beauty...the lid was not on yet and we could see that things were flowing into it as they should (sorry if that grosses you out).
The next day they came to put the lid on and cover the tank. With the lid in place, the tractor started covering it up and when the weight of the dirt and tractor ran over it one too many times, you guessed, the top broke and the front of the tractor went down into the hole.
Now, I am laughing at the picture, I hope you are.
Not only did they have to pull the tractor out, they had to clean all the cement and dirt out (along with the other stuff that had flowed into the tank). It seems they had not put enough rebar in the lid for the tank.
The moral is, "Anything worth doing is worth doing right." OR "Don't take shortcut they can be a yucky mess."
Languishing--Thursday Thought
Moving Manuer--What I Saw Wednesday
Miche Bag I have to have one
Committee--Tuesday Tip
Embarrassing--Monday Memory
I was taking a speech class from Mr. Udall. He had one day a week when you could give in impromptu speech and complain about anything you wanted as long as you did not slander anyone or badmouth any individuals.
It took me about three months to come up with something to say for that assignment. Finally, a couple of things began to bother me so I stood up and said (with my hands on my hips)...
"I've had two things on my chest for the longest time."
Mr. Udall couldn't get the class back under control and I didn't get why they were laughing. I was really hurt that everyone was making fun of me. When I did finally catch on....
one word
What is your most embarrasing moment?
My PhD
I am a person of no particular circumstance. I do not qualify for any scholarships or grants. There is no way I will be able to pay for this education out of my meager State salary.
I am going to start my PhD journey next year. My degree will be a PhD in Higher Educaton Administration.
There are 6 months left to earn the money for my first year.
If everyone who knows me donates $1.00 and everyone who knows them donates $1.00, I can do this.
I would love to have a donation from you.
Giveaway--What I Saw Wednesday
Did I say, "I L-O-V-E this purse."
TV--Tuesday Tip
Grandkids Week Aug 2009--Monday Memories
Grandkids week
Number of mud fights
Number of times Tarzan got a personal cool down
Number of Candy Stores Visited
Number of cups of glitter vacuumed up
Number of successful all nighters pulled
Number of 3-D movies in the theater we watched
Number of water fights
Number of boys who got to spend 1 hour in the Apple Mac Store
Number of girls who got makeup
Number of boxes of cereal eaten
Number of Harry Potter movies watched
Number of meals Tarzan cooked outside for us
Number of huge trash bags filled
Number of tomatoes eaten
number of paper plates used
Number of hours spent playing video games
number of Plastic Cups used
Number of hours TV was on Disney Channel
Highest score in Snood
How many times someone said “Shut the door.”
WORD: The Home Tab/Ribbon
The Microsoft Word Menu Bar has been "upgraded" to a Ribbon . MAC Users: You still have a Menu Bar, if you can’t find...
This is a silly's actually more like Tuesday Trivia, but whatever... You know those "Ineroffice Envelopes"? Like the...
The challenge is to record random acts of kindness . At first, I thought, every random act of kindness I have done, is so small and simple, ...
I saw this on someone else's blog and I lost who it was, so I share it with you with full disclosure that it is a copy from another croc...